Sunday, October 7, 2012

Halloween poster - critique and tweak

You should all have brought your halloween sketches to class tonight to turn in. Before you turn them in, I want you to take turns showing them to each other and explaining what you drew and why. Talk about your inspiration and what kind of style you plan on using when creating this poster.

Now, here's the hard part: I want you to tell each person what some of the GOOD parts of their sketches are. . .  AND I want you to tell them something that doesn't work or that you don't like about them, and why.

Be civil and friendly. A critique isn't an attack. It is designed to help the artist refine their piece to be the most effective, best creation they can make.

Once you've critiqued each other's sketches, give them to Miss Chipps so she may get them to me. You may now begin using Adobe Illustrator to create your Halloween party posters. Don't forget that all party posters must have event dates, times and locations on them so people can find your party! Be creative with your choice of fonts and how you position your type. Make the type compliment the design.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on these. You will work on them all this week. Take your time and put 100% effort into your work. Since there are few guidelines for this project, I will be grading it based on the amount of effort I think you've put into it!

Don't put off working on it, either. I may ask Miss Chipps to send me pics of your work-in-progress at the beginning of Wednesday's class! If I don't see you using your time wisely, your grade will suffer!

But most importantly: HAVE FUN!

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